Tired of watching bright white screens all day? If you're like me you may get dry itchy red eyes. Every so often (20-30 minutes) you should stand up and take a walk around the office. Since your eyes have been
focusing on the same distance for a period, stare out a window and look around at various distances. One exercise you can do is thumb tracking. Move your thumb around left/right, up-down for a bit to work out the different eye muscles and focusing distances.
There's an old Nintendo DS game out there: Flash Focus Eye Training. The game itself is made of up mini-games that help train different aspects of your vision. At the end of the game, it concludes with a eye rest and training exercise.
1. Shut your eyes and open them wide - 10 times
2. Circle your eyes clockwise and counter clockwise - 10 times
3. Look left- right, up-down - 10 times each meridian
4. Close your eyes and take deep breaths - 10 times.
Try some of these exercises. You're eyes are worth it!
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